Product Details

screen protector uv anti blue light privacy glass front

Huawei Mate 20 Pro UV Glue One Minute Quick Paste (Privacy)


Privacy Screen Protectors allow mobile devices to be used privately in public places without revealing confidential information to prying eyes. User sees the information on the display while people on either side of them see a darkened screen.

SKU: UVM20P-P Categories: ,

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Before you install

  • Remove any pre-installed screen protectors before installing
  • Remove any registered fingerprints that are on the phone

During the installation

  • Please make sure your surface is level
  • Clean the surface with the wet wipe followed by the dry wipe provided.
  • Pour the UV glue onto the center of the screen.
  • Gently apply the protector and let the solution spread evenly on the screen. (Do Not apply force on the protector)
  • Apply the UV light evenly over the screen protector for 60 seconds.
  • Re-Register your Fingerprint. Register the same finger in multiple angles.

Note: Do not do the installation under or near sunlight.